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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jan 10.
Published in final edited form as: Vet Microbiol. 2010 Jun 1;147(1-2):28–41. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2010.05.042

Figure 6. Phylogenetic tree comparisons of the DNA POL genes of elephant herpesviruses with those of other mammalian beta and gammaherpesviruses.

Figure 6

Phylograms of predicted protein coding sequence data for the complete 480-bp and 160 amino acid POL Codehops region (Rose, 2005) from all thirteen species and sub-species of elephant herpesviruses were compared with data for the orthologous regions of selected representative mammalian herpesviruses. These were generated by the neighbor joining best tree procedure after alignment in Clustal-W with Tajima-Nei and Poisson adjustments and show distance based branch lengths as well as bootstrap values (1000 reiterations). (A): Protein level comparisons for 19 other betaherpesviruses with the seven species or subspecies of EEHV using the gammherpesvirus EGHV5 as the outgroup. Genbank accession numbers for the other betaherpesvirus sequences used were as follows: guinea pig (caviid) CMV FJ355434, mouse CMV U68299, rat CMV (Maastricht) AF232689, bandicoot CMV EF125067, rat CMV (English) AY728086, Tupaia (tree shrew) CMV AF281817, bat betaherpesvirus AB517983, owl monkey (Aotes) CMV FJ483870, squirrel monkey (Saimiri) CMV FJ483967, human CMV (Merlin) AY446894, Pan (chimpanzee) CMV (Haberling) AF480884, rhesus macaque CMV AY186194, African green monkey CMV FJ483968, mandrill CMV AF282941, pig (porcine) CMV AF268042, human HHV7 U43400, Pan (chimpanzee) HHV6-like roseolovirus AY359407, human HHV6B AF157706 and human HHV6A X83413. (B): Protein level comparisons for 20 other gammaherpesviruses with the six species or sub-species of EGHV using the betaherpesvirus EEHV1 as the outgroup. Genbank accession numbers for the gammaherpesvirus sequences used were rhesus (macaque) EBV-like lymphocrytovirus AY037858, baboon (Papio) EBV AY037858, human EBV (Epstein-Barr virus B95-8 strain) V01555, gorilla EBV GQ921926, Pan (chimpanzee) EBV AY166457, marmoset EBV AF319782, mouse MHV68 U97553, Saimiri (squirrel monkey) rhadinovirus X64346, Ateles (spider monkey) rhadinovirus AF083424, bovine herpesvirus 4 AF318573, alcelephine rhadinovirus AF005370, bottlenose dolphin gammaherpesvirus DQ288667, beaked whale gammaherpesvirus AY949828, elephant gammaherpesvirus 4 EF531714, bat gammaherpesvirus AB298558, Pan (chimpanzee) rhadinovirus 1B AF250881, human KSHV (HHV8) U75698, gorilla rhadinovirus AF250886, RFHM (macaque) rhadinovirus 2 AF005478, Pan (chimpanzee) rhadinovirus 2 AF290601, rhesus (macaque) rhadinovirus 1 (RV1) AF083501.