Table V.
In vitro Drug Release Parameters Regression Coefficient of the Line of Percent Drug Released Vs Square Root of Time, Mean Flux and Diffusion Coefficient of Spray Dried Formulations
Formulations | Regression Coefficient (r 2) | Mean Flux (μg/min) | Diffusion coefficient (cm2/s) |
SDSL | – | 195.2 | 2.52 E-03 |
SLDPIH | 0.9420 | 41.5 | 6.96 E-04 |
SLDPIS | 0.9533 | 40.2 | 6.82 E-04 |
SLDPIL | 0.9615 | 38.5 | 6.62 E-04 |
SDSL: spray dried plain dapsone with lactose, SLDPIH: spray dried liposomal dry powder inhaler with hydrolyzed gelatin, SLDPIS: spray dried liposomal dry powder inhaler with sucrose, SLDPIL: spray dried liposomal dry powder inhaler with lactose