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. 2010 Nov 10;5(11):e13899. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013899

Table 1. Number of patients analysed and treatment outcomes at 12 months of ART by cohort on the full dataset.

ART site Country Number of adults starting ART in 2005 Number of adults sampled Number of treatment outcomes at 12 months and proportion among all adults starting ART in 2005
Deaths ART discontinuations Lost to follow-up ≥90 days from last visit Retention on ART at 12 months
n n n % n % n % n %
Kampong Cham Cambodia 606 196 58 9.6 29 4.8 27 4.4 492 81.1
Phnom Penh Cambodia 610 196 20 3.3 52 8.5 5 0.8 533 87.4
Siem Reap Cambodia 424 172 29 6.8 17 4.0 15 3.5 363 85.6
Takeo Cambodia 491 182 45 9.2 6 1.2 16 3.2 424 86.3
Pissy Burkina-Faso 899 219 54 6.0 52 5.8 143 15.9 650 72.3
Kinshasa DRC 1065 227 178 16.7 14 1.3 86 8.1 787 73.9
Busia Kenya 860 217 55 6.4 26 3.0 73 8.5 706 82.1
Homabay Kenya 954 222 101 10.6 15 1.6 104 10.9 734 76.9
Kibera Kenya 435 174 23 5.3 25 5.7 49 11.3 338 77.7
Mathare Kenya 549 190 23 4.2 32 5.8 74 13.5 420 76.5
Chiradzulu Malawi 1599 245 150 9.4 22 1.4 186 11.6 1241 77.6
Thyolo Malawi 1359 238 172 12.7 33 2.4 121 8.9 1033 76.0
AltoMae Mozambique 1208 233 23 1.9 22 1.8 245 20.3 918 76.0
Mavalan Mozambique 1294 236 65 5.0 49 3.8 132 10.2 1048 81.0
Moatize Mozambique 278 142 15 5.4 14 5.0 12 4.3 237 85.2
Lagos Nigeria 713 206 41 5.7 12 1.7 69 9.7 591 82.9
Arua Uganda 1137 231 44 3.9 33 2.9 153 13.4 907 79.8
Kapiri Kawama Zambia 559 191 67 12.0 5 0.9 19 3.4 468 83.7
Bulawayo Zimbabwe 953 222 110 11.5 5 0.5 129 13.5 709 74.4
Murambinda Zimbabwe 428 173 68 15.9 2 0.5 14 3.3 344 80.4
Total MSF 16421 4112 1341 8.2 465 2.8 1672 10.2 12943 78.8
YRG care India 767 210 28 3.6 46 6.0 245 31.9 452 58.9
CEPREF Côte d'Ivoire 1127 230 89 7.9 0 0.0 123 10.9 915 81.2
AMPATH Kenya 4111 270 277 6.7 157 3.8 618 15.0 3067 74.6
Lighthouse Malawi 2177 255 179 8.2 0 0.0 643 29.5 1355 62.2
Gugulethu South Africa 870 217 71 8.2 13 1.5 70 8.0 721 82.9
ISS Uganda 1350 238 27 2.0 1 0.1 299 22.1 1023 75.8
Connaught Zimbabwe 378 164 24 6.3 6 1.6 15 4.0 335 88.6
Total IeDEA 10780 1584 695 6.4 223 2.1 2013 18.7 7868 73.0
Total 27201 5696 2036 7.5 688 2.5 3685 13.5 20811 76.5