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. 2010 Oct 27;10:73. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-10-73

Table 4.

Themes which emerged from the focus group transcript analysis

Enhancing Learning Improved focus and concentration All students in the focus group agreed that using the KeePad system helped their concentration

Tracking individual learning needs All students expressed the view that the KeePad system had allowed them to track their own learning needs. Some intensity to the comments around this area 'really good (s6)'

Improving confidence 4 out of 5 students commented around this area

Exam familiarity High frequency for 1 student but with agreement from a second student.

Opportunity for Reflection Students commented on the opportunity to consolidate what had been learnt in the current and previous lectures.

Tutor Feedback The benefits of both positive and negative feedback via the KeePad system were noted.

Integration with other IT tools 1 student noted that the feedback from the KeePad system could be followed up by listening to podcasts.
Enabling Teaching Clarification of concepts 3 of the 5 students raised this aspect of the Keepad system as a benefit. Raised on 3 different occasions.

Improving teaching 3 of the 5 students raised this aspect of the Keepad system as a benefit. Raised on more than one occasion.

Use in other areas All students agreed the Keepad system could be useful in other areas of the non-medical prescribing curriculum although there was debate around how it would be used.