Figure 2.
A truncated ternary DOPC:DPPC:Chol Gibbs composition triangle showing compositions of studied samples with some of their short names. Table 1 lists all numerical compositions by name. Circles (red) indicate compositions with Ld-Lo coexistence, squares (green) indicate Ld-So coexistence, triangles (blue) indicate Ld-Lo-So coexistence, stars (purple) could be either in 2-phase or in 3-phase coexistence, and the open (black) diamond is in a single phase. The solid lines labeled with Roman numerals show the orientations of our best determined tie-lines at T=15°C and the dashed lines show orientations that were determined not to be tie-lines. The ends of the tie-lines were not determined in this study, so the tie-lines shown are partial fragments of the tie-lines that must extend further in both directions.