Tandem mass spectrometry identification of phosphorylation sites on Na,K-ATPase α1 subunit in rat parotid acinar cells
Samples were obtained prepared using α1-immunopreciptations followed by proteolysis and LC/MS/MS analyses. Shown are conditions for which each site was identified and putative kinases that are known or predicted to phosphorylate specific sites. The abbreviations used are: CK2, casein kinase 2; IR, insulin receptor; IGF1R, IGF1 receptor; ATMK, ataxia telangiectasia mutated kinase; B, basal; I, isoproterenol; C, carbachol; CA, calyculin A; P, PMA; pool, B+C+I combined; Charge, charge state of peptide ion; Δmass, difference between experimental peptide mass and known sequence; Sf, Sequest final score; MH+, protonated molecular mass; Xcorr, Sequest cross-correlation score; ΔCn, Xcorr difference between the top ranked and next best sequence; Sp, Sequest preliminary score; rank, top hit from protein database. Accession number was AAB81285 for all sequences. All sequences were ranked No. 1 as the top hit from the protein database.