AlF treatment promotes association of the Glo3-type ARFGAP-GFPs with the Golgi membrane. A, HeLa cells expressing GFP-tagged versions of ARFGAP1–3 (left) were treated with AlF (right) and imaged. The addition of AlF increases the association of ARFGAP2-GFP and ARFGAP3-GFP with the Golgi but does not increase the levels of ARFGAP1-GFP. Scale bar, 10 μm. B, Golgi-to-cell fluorescence was quantified on cells (n = 25) expressing the ARFGAPs ± S.D. (error bars). The increase of Golgi association is around 75% for ARFGAP2-GFP and ARFGAP3-GFP, whereas ARFGAP1-GFP decreases about 30% (p < 0.05). C, cells expressing GFP-tagged versions of the ARFGAPs were treated with AlF, and the Golgi intensity was continuously monitored. During a period of 30 min, recruitment of ARFGAP2-GFP (circles) and ARFGAP3-GFP (squares) occurs, whereas ARFGAP1-GFP (triangles) levels are stable. Pretreatment of cells expressing ARFGAP2-GFP (D) or ARFGAP3-GFP (E) with AlF (black circles) protects against BFA-induced redistribution of the Golgi pools.