Characterization of the SIRT6 mutant mice. A, Western blot analysis showing SIRT6 protein in the brain, liver, and pancreas of WT mice but not in SIRT6 mutant (MT) mice. B, body weight of SIRT6 wild-type and mutant mice from P3 to P60. C, SIRT6 wild-type and mutant mice at P15. D, levels of blood glucose in mutant and wild-type mice (at least 3 pairs of mice were measured at each time point). E, body fat in live animals as measured by using EchoMRI 3-in-1TM (Echo Medical Systems) shown as absolute mass (left) and percent of body weight (right). F, survival profile of SIRT6 mutant (n = 154) and wild-type (n = 143) mice. * represents p < 0.05 by Student's t test.