Restoration of stem-like traits by re-expression of CTNNB1. A, RT-PCR and Western blotting (WB) analysis showing CTNNB1 re-expression in C666-1-pLL3.7-miR-200a cells transfected with wild-type β-catenin plasmid (pCI-neo-beta-catenin WT). B, CD133+ cell distribution, C, tumor sphere formation; D, in vivo tumorigenicity and tumor volume of C666-1-pLL3.7-miR-200a cells expressing pCI-neo-control or pCI-neo-β-catenin WT. E, WB confirmation of CTNNB1 re-expression in xenograft NPC tissues. F, Oct-4 and ALDH1 mRNA levels in tumor spheres (left) and xenograft tumor tissues (right). *, p < 0.05, as compared with pCI-neo-control group.