13C-13C intersubunit contacts for Pf1L observed in the 200-ms mixing time experiments in relation to the Pf1L model 4IFM. The views are from the inside of the virion. Backbone carbons are green for subunit 0, cyan for +6, and orange for +11. The dashed lines connect atoms in the model that correspond to the assigned cross-peaks. In magenta are carbon atoms within 5Å of others in the model that show perturbations. a, contact between Ala6-29 Cβ (Ala residue in red) and Leu11-38 Cδ2. Although Gln0-16 Cγ is within 5 Å in the model, it does not show any cross-peak correlation for Pf1L, but its chemical shift is significantly perturbed during the transition (Fig. 2). Also, Val6-35 and Val11-35 (in blue), initially part of Leu-38/Val-35 ambiguity are far from Ala6-29- Cβ and hence are not involved in a contact. b, left, contact between Ile6-32 Cγ2 (Ile residue in red) and Met0-19 Cα/β. Despite their proximity to Ile6-32 in the 4IFM model, we could not detect any unique Lys0-20 atoms in correlation with Ile6-32 atoms. On the right, a zoom-out view of the same contact region showing the location of other Met residues (blue), demonstrating the clear assignment of this peak to an intersubunit contact.