Figure 4.
CD8+ enriched young TIL impacted lymphocyte reconstitution in the peripheral blood of reconstituting patients. Arrows: IL-2 therapy A) CD8+ enriched young TIL quickly repopulated patient peripheral blood to high levels after NMA conditioning. Patient absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC) were determined daily and average ALC is plotted. Filled square: average of all patients who received CD8+ enriched young TIL with NMA (n=33). Open square: (historic control) average of all patients who received extensively expanded, tumor selected TIL with NMA as their first treatment (n=33). Not all patients had ALC determined every day. B) CD8+ enriched young TIL quickly repopulated patient peripheral blood to high levels after 6Gy TBI conditioning. Filled triangles: average of all patients who received CD8+ enriched young TIL with 6Gy TBI (n=23). Open triangles: (historic control) average of all patients who received extensively expanded, tumor selected TIL with 12Gy TBI (n=25). Vertical bars: standard error. C and D) CD8+ ALC one month after TIL infusion correlated with response. CD4+ and CD8+ ALC was determined in a blinded manner by the Clinical Center Core Immunology Laboratory for 47 of 56 patients treated with CD8+ enriched young TIL at approximately one month after TIL infusion. C: CD8+ ALC plotted for each patient. D: CD4+ ALC plotted for each patient. NR: non-responder, OR: objective responder. Black bars: mean ALC for the population.