Figure 2.
Microtubule life history plots. Wild-type (WT) and mutant CHO cell lines were transfected with EGFP-MAP4 and fluorescent microtubules were imaged at 5 s intervals in the absence (A-C) or presence (D-F) of paclitaxel. A concentration of paclitaxel that is minimally toxic (50 nM) was used to treat the wild-type cells; whereas mutant cells were treated with the minimum drug concentrations (50 nM for Tax 11-6 and 100 nM for Tax 18) needed to rescue cell division. The graphs show changes in the position of randomly chosen microtubule plus-ends during the period of observation. Each line represents a single microtubule. Note that the y-axis represents the distance of the plus-end from an arbitrary reference point and does not represent the actual total length of the microtubule. In some cases, plots were arbitrarily distributed along the y-axis to avoid extensive overlap.