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. 2010 Sep 25;36(11):1211–1225. doi: 10.1007/s10886-010-9858-3

Table 1.

Olfactory preference measured with mites released in groups and mites released individually

Group/individual No odor (%) No Odor (%) Replicated G-test for goodness of fit G-test Difference between mites released in groups and mites released individually (χ2 test)
N G p P (G p) d.f. = 1 Gh P (G h) d.f. = 5 Gt P (G t) d.f. = 6 G P (G) d.f. = 1 P (χ2) d.f. = 1
6 groups 47.64 52.45 118 0.08 0.78 2.81 0.73 2.89 0.82
Individuals 42.50 57.50 40 0.90 0.34 0.28
Leaf disc (%) Leaf disc (%)
6 groups 48.74 51.26 119 0.08 0.78 2.81 0.73 2.89 0.82
Individuals 52.50 47.50 40 0.10 0.75 0.41
Leaf disc (%) No odor (%)
6 groups 52.54 47.46 118 0.31 0.58 5.21 0.39 5.52 0.48
Individuals 45.00 55.00 40 0.40 0.53 0.10
Infested leaf disc (%) Leaf disc (%)
6 groups 79.00 21.00 119 42.62 0.00 6.82 0.23 49.44 0.00
Individuals 80.00 20.00 40 15.42 0.00 0.78