Figure 3.
Typical velocity distribution P(V) of melanosomes in a melanophore cell in the rest state (A), aggregation (B), and dispersion (C). (Solid lines) Fit to solution of Eq. 4 for η = 0.1 and F0 = 0 for panel A and F0 = 0.7 for panels B and C. (Dashed lines) Fit to the Maxwell distribution P(V) ∼ exp((V/V0)2). (D) Skewness γ of the velocity distribution P(V) as a function of normalized average transport velocity in melanophore processes. Mean velocity V is normalized by the standard deviation σ of the corresponding velocity distribution. (Diamonds) Aggregation data. (Stars) Dispersion. (Circles) Rest condition. Data shown for different cells. (Half-solid symbols) Cells with depolymerized actin subsystem. (Crossed symbols) Data for cells with depolymerized vimentin network. Solid curve is obtained by solving Eq. 4 in the range of forces F0.