Figure 6. PBS Bubble Pulsation Hysteresis Loops for Lipid-Polymer Films in Dynamic-Bubble Mode, 5 Minutes, 37 °C.
Representative loops for lipid-polymer films after 5 minutes of pulsation (20 cpm) in dynamic-bubble mode on the PBS (Panels A-D) in an aqueous buffer (150 mM NaCl, 10 mM HEPES, 5 mM CaCl2, pH 6.9) suspension at 37 °C. In dynamic cycling, bubble surface area expansion is clockwise from left to right, and vice versa for compression. See SI (Figure S30) for TL + 2MM:1CO a and b loops. Also see SI (Tables S4-S6) for mean dynamic γ data ± σ at selected time intervals at tabulated % Compression data ± σ.