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. 2010 Oct;128(4):1965–1978. doi: 10.1121/1.3478781

Table 1.

A listing of the stimuli and conditions tested in Experiment 2. The conditions that were not tested are indicated by DNT (did not test) and the conditions that were not applicable because only one masker was present are indicated by N∕A.

Masker type One masker Two maskers
Spatial condition
Colocated Separated (+600 μs) Colocated Symmetrically separated (±600 μs) One colocated and one separated (+600 μs)
Forward speech
Reversed speech DNT
SSSM noise DNT
Speech-like noise DNT
Speech plus SSSM N∕A N∕A ab

Speech colocated and noise separated.


Noise colocated and speech separated.