Figure 2.
Fifty per cent majority rule consensus phylogeny (including compatible groupings) summarizing the sample of 1000 trees for 135 Austronesian languages. Collapsed clades are proportional in size to number of taxa, and terminate in a bar shaded proportional to residence patterns within that clade (white, neolocality; light grey, uxorilocality; black, virilocality; dark grey, ambilocality). The value above each node is the node's posterior probability, as a percentage. Three major nodes only (Proto-Austronesian, PAN; Proto-Malayo-Polynesian, PMP; Proto-Oceanic, POC) are shown shaded according to the ancestral state reconstruction. CMP, Central Malayo-Polynesian; SHWNG, South Halmahera–West New Guinea; WMP, Western Malayo-Polynesian.