(a) Shrub encroachment effects on the abundance of rodents (open circles, dashed line) and species richness of small carnivores (filled squares, solid line) in the Kalahari Desert. Redrawn from data provided in Blaum et al. (2007a,b). (b) Non-metric multi-dimensional ordination of dung beetle diversity illustrating the difference between two undisturbed habitats (Sand Forest (USF 1998, 2000) and Mixed Woodland (MW 1998, 2000)), and Sand Forest disturbed by elephants (EDSF 2000) and by human utilization (HDSF 1998). Open squares, MW 1998; open circles, MW 2000; filled squares, USF 1998; filled circles, USF 2000; filled triangles, HDSF, 1998; stars, EDSF 2000. Redrawn from Botes et al. (2006).