Figure 3.
Composition of egg surface hydrocarbons from (a) temperate (VA) and (b) tropical (KL) populations of A. albopictus produced under long-day (open bar) and short-day (filled bar) treatments. Bars represent mean (± s.e.). Non-metric multidimensional scaling indicated no significant difference in hydrocarbon composition between: (i) diapause versus non-diapause eggs from the temperate population (ANOSIM R = −0.0741, p = 0.49), (ii) non-diapause eggs produced under LD versus SD photoperiods from the tropical population (ANOSIM R = 0.0370, p = 0.50) and (iii) diapause and non-diapuase eggs from the temperate population versus SD and LD eggs from the tropical population (ANOSIM R = −0.0074, p = 0.49).