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. 2010 Jul 15;50(6):798–809. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnq046

Table 3.

Hierarchical Regression Analysis Predicting Depression at the Follow-up

Variable Step1 β (SE) Step 2 β (SE) Step 3 β (SE) Step 4 β (SE) Step 5 β (SE)
Gender .022 (0.120) .004 (0.122) −.089 (0.110) −.085 (0.117) −.040 (0.110)
Age −.003 (0.005) −.005 (0.005) .014 (0.004) −.020 (0.004) −.002 (0.004)
Race −.198 (0.222)** −.194 (0.222)** −.116 (0.200) −.093 (0.202) −.104 (0.189)
Marital status −.111 (0.140) −.111 (0.140) −.056 (0.125) −.024 (0.124) .025 (0.117)
    Step 1, F = 2.844 (df = 4, p < .05)
LVEF −.030 (0.005) −.025 (0.004) .071 (0.004) .090 (0.004)
Class NYHA .092 (0.074) .095 (0.066) .092 (0.064) .059 (0.060)
    Step 2, F = 2.279 (df = 6, p < .05)
Medical comorbidity .118 (0.024) .112 (0.024) .138 (0.023)*
Preoperative depression .303 (0.066)*** .277 (0.066)*** .236 (0.062)**
Preoperative optimism −.145 (0.114) −.161 (0.117)* −.005 (0.120)
Preoperative hope −.164 (0.117)* −.168 (0.116)* −.065 (0.126)
Perceived social support .041 (0.088) −.025 (0.090) −.008 (0.084)
    Step 3, F = 7.495 (df = 11, p < .001)
Prayer coping −.280 (0.108)** −.239 (0.101)**
Public religiousness −.010 (0.016) −.008 (0.015)
Private religiousness .131 (0.023) .105 (0.022)
Subjective religiousness −.112 (0.051) −.086 (0.047)
Religious reverence .204 (0.061)* .202 (0.058)*
Secular reverence .067 (0.045) .052 (0.042)
Positive religious coping .168 (0.103) .153 (0.096)
Negative religious coping −.112 (0.152) −.109 (0.143)
    Step 4, F = 5.553 (df = 19, p < .001)
Optimism at the follow-up −.319 (0.105)***
Hope at the follow-up −.123 (0.108)
    Step 5, F = 7.268 (df = 21, p < .001)

LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction.

*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.