Figure 2. Baboons lack TRIMCyp.
(A) Sequence of the intron 6/exon 7 junction, showing the splice site SNP and the NsiI polymorphism, in a macaque that expresses TRIMCyp (M. nemestrina, GenBank EU371641.1); a macaque lacking TRIMCyp (M. mulatta sequenced genome, GenBank NC_007871.1); and baboons (Papio, GenBank HM468444-HM468446). Capital letters, exon; lowercase letters; intron. Box, splice acceptor site. DNA from both P. cynocephalus anubis and P. hamadryas was sequenced, and all sequences were identical in the region shown here. (B) PCR across the TRIM5 3′ UTR (Primers 3 and 6) in P. cynocephalus anubis (4 individuals, lanes 1–4) and P. hamadryas (lane 5). Three M. fascicularis of known genotypes were used as controls. Lane 6, CypA insertion heterozygote. Lane 7, homozygote with CypA insertion. Lane 8, homozygote lacking CypA insertion. (C) RT-PCR for TRIM5α (lanes 1, 3, and 5) and TRIMCyp (lanes 2, 4, and 6) in cDNA from 3 P. cynocephalus anubis.