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. 2009 Jul 21;2:11. doi: 10.4314/pamj.v2i1.51710

Table 1: Fibroadenoma in African and African-American women.

General Population* [1,2,3,5,6] African (Ghana) African-American [4,7]
Proportion of benign breast lesions (%) 33 70 48
Peak age range (years) 20-24 16-20 16-25
Multifocality and bilaterality (%) 12-16 16 15
Mean size (range) (cm) 2.5 3.8 (1-9) (0.5-10)
Giant FA (%) (>5cm) 2 22.5 n/a

Predominantly North American, mixed population,

Present study, n/a- not available


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