Figure 1.
Monitoring of sensory thresholds in 30 patients and 30 volunteers after oral and maxillofacial surgery. Cold detection threshold (CDT) and warm detection threshold (WDT) were determined from 120 QST experiments in 30 patients and 30 QST experiments in 30 control subjects. CDT and WDT are given as differences from baseline (32°C; dT). White bars show data of the control group and grey bars (1 w: one week, 4 w: 4 weeks, 7 w: 7 weeks, 10 w: 10 weeks after surgery) present data of test areas. Data on control group and test areas are presented as box plots. Solid lines indicate median, dashed lines the arithmetic mean. Significant differences compared to the control group are indicated by asterisks over the bars (*: p < 0.05; Friedman Repeated Measures ANOVA and subsequent Student-Newman-Keuls test).