Figure 2.
MX1-Cre-mediated deletion of the floxed SCL allele in hematopoietic tissues leads to loss of SCL expression. Animals were injected on days 0, 2, and 4 with 300 μg of PI-PC. On day 6, organs were harvested and genomic DNA was prepared. (A) Representative Southern blot of genomic DNA from hematopoietic organs after PI-PC treatment. Genotypes of animals and tissues are shown above, alleles of SCL are marked: SCLwt (WT), SCLloxP (undeleted), SCLLacZ (LacZ), and SCLΔ (deleted). (B) Northern blot analysis of total bone marrow RNA probed with a probe to SCL (Upper) and GAPDH (Lower). Genotypes of animals are shown above.