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. 2010 Jun 23;18(10):1077–1083. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2010.90

Table 1. Thalassaemia screening programs conducted around the world (ordered from time of screening program implementation).

Author District /country Delivery, time period Antenatal/ premarital Mandatory/voluntary Informed about screening/consent given Education Counselling
Theodoridou65 Greece (whole country) Universal, since 1973 Premarital and antenatal Voluntary Informed consent Educational programs at school, in the armed forces, maternity clinics and through the mass media. Carriers informed and given a leaflet. Carrier couples offered counselling
Angastiniotis and Hadjiminas25, Cowan26 Cyprus (whole country) Universal, since 1973 Preconceptional (planning a wedding or pregnancy) or antenatal Quasi-mandatory by church among Greek Cypriots; Mandatory by Government among Turkish Cypriots Informed Public education through mass media, talks in schools, clubs, communities, printed information Counselling offered to couples or individuals concerned
Cao66, 67 Sardinia, Italy Outreach community and hospital testing, since 1975 Premarital or antenatal (couples/adults of child-bearing age) Voluntary Informed consent Posters, information booklets, group discussions, presentations, through mass media Counselling provided to carriers and carrier couples
Lena-Russo et al55 Marseille region, France High schools, 1978–1985 Premarital Voluntary Informed consent Educational session Counselling provided for carriers and their families
Scriver et al46, Mitchell et al27 Montreal, Canada Neighbourhood health centres and high schools, 1979–1992 Premarital (high school and community centres) Voluntary Informed consent Pre-screening instruction sessions and letters, pamphlets and posters distributed Carriers and carrier couples offered counselling
Zlotogora et al28 Israel (whole country) Offered to Arab and Druze populations, as well as Jews originating from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kurdistan, Mediterranean countries and Asiatic countries of the former USSR, since 1980 Premarital or antenatal Voluntary Informed consent Explanatory movie and pamphlet Genetic counselling offered in local clinics before and after screening to carriers and carrier couples
Greengross et al52 London, England Central Middlesex Hospital antenatal clinic, since 1985 Antenatal Voluntary No No Counselling for carriers and their partners and for carrier couples
Firdous43 The Maldives (whole country) Universal, since 1992 Premarital (people aged 12–35) Voluntary Informed consent Awareness program (print materials and school education) Counselling provided to everyone when receiving test results.
Chern68 Taiwan (whole country) Universal, since 1993 Antenatal Voluntary No No No
Liao et al54 Guangdong Province, China Guangzhou Maternal and Neonatal Hospital, Jan 1993- Dec 2003 Antenatal Voluntary No Education programs for carrier couples Counselling for husbands of carriers, and carrier couples
Samavat and Modell24, Abolghasemi et al14, Karimi et al22, Khorasani et al23 Iran (whole country) Universal since 1997, since 1991 in Sari, since 1995 in Southern Iran Premarital (couples that want to register for marriage) Mandatory Informed Mass media, information booklets, educational programs, classes in high school and for young men in the military. Carrier couples receive information at counselling to make informed decisions Counselling for carrier couples. Pregnancy termination and prenatal diagnosis became legal in 1998. Prenatal diagnosis and abortion are now discussed during counselling. Couples can attend as many sessions as they want until they can make an informed decision about what to do
Colah et al30 Mumbai city, India Wadia Maternity Hospital, 1997–2003 Antenatal Voluntary Informed consent Posters displayed and leaflets given to the women Carriers were counselled with their husbands, and carrier couples were offered prenatal diagnosis
Sirdah69 Palestinian District, Gaza Strip High schools, 1998 Premarital Voluntary Informed consent 60 minute lecture given a day before testing No
Tarazi et al9 Palestinian District, Gaza Strip Universal, since 2000 Premarital (for all engaged couples) Mandatory Informed Awareness campaign Carrier couples receive counselling. Advised to cancel marriage. If couple wants to continue with marriage, they sign a declaration to say that they are aware that they are both carriers
Acemoglu70, Canatan71 Turkey (33 provinces) Universal, since 2002 Premarital (couples wishing to get married) Mandatory since 2005 Informed Public education Counselling provided for carrier couples
AlHamdan et al20, Al Sulaiman72 Saudi Arabia (whole country) Universal, since 2003 Premarital (for all couples applying for a marriage license) Mandatory Informed No Counselling for carrier couples. Carrier couples advised to separate as prenatal diagnosis and pregnancy termination not widely practised
NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme33, Old34, Locock and Kai32 England (whole country) Universal, since 2004 Antenatal Voluntary Informed consent (should occur) Information provided for carriers. Information should be provided to women before testing so that an informed decision can be made Counselling can be arranged for carriers to make an informed decision about prenatal diagnosis