A: Representative images of astrocytes labeled with dihydroethidium (DHE). Compared to control (A, upper, left), Aβ increased superoxide production (A, upper, middle). Pretreatment with laser suppressed superoxide production induced by Aβ (A, upper, right), but laser alone did not induce superoxide production (A, lower, left). gp91 ds-tat Peptide 2 (NADPH oxidase inhibitor) suppressed Aβ-induced superoxide production in astrocytes (A, lower, middle), but the inhibitor alone did not induce superoxide production (A, lower, right). Scale bar: 40 μm. B: Quantitative analysis of DHE intensity shows that laser (632.8 nm) suppressed Aβ-induced superoxide production in astrocytes. Pretreatment with laser without Aβ treatment did not affect DHE intensity. gp91 ds-tat Peptide 2 suppressed Aβ-induced increase in DHE intensity, but the inhibitor alone did not affect DHE intensity. Data are expressed as percentages of control and mean ± SD from four independent experiments with three replicates per experiment (* p< 0.05).