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. 2010 Nov 1;4:193. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2010.00193

Table 1.

Activity clusters for all saccades vs. fixation (non-standard HRF).

MNI coordinates
Region L/R x y z T-value
Anterior lingual gyrus L −10 −66 2 11.94
Posterior lingual gyrus R 16 −90 −10 11.10
Middle occipital gyrus L −30 −90 −6 10.35
IPS L −24 −64 54 9.64
Posterior lingual gyrus R 6 −82 0 9.44
BA30 R 12 −64 10 8.83
Cuneus L −12 −80 2 8.63
Cuneus R 12 −82 2 8.62
SEF R 2 4 58 8.28
FEF L −24 −6 50 7.93
Posterior occipital cortex R 2 −88 2 7.92
IPS L −32 −60 60 7.74
IPS R 18 −66 56 7.57
Lateral FEF L −40 −4 54 7.08
FEF R 26 −6 54 7.07
SEF L −8 0 56 6.58
Posterior occipital cortex L −14 −90 −10 6.49
SC L −4 −28 −6 4.74
Anterior IPS L −42 −42 52 4.49
SC R 4 −28 −4 4.40
Anterior IPS R 48 −38 52 4.09
Lateral geniculate nucleus L −22 −24 −4 5.49a
Inferior parietal lobe R 54 −44 20 4.42a
Inferior parietal lobe L −60 −42 24 4.00a
Pulvinar L −22 −30 4 3.77a
Thalamus L −10 −18 10 3.64a
Putamen R 24 8 −8 3.28a

Cluster maxima are based on the non-standard HRF model peaking at 4.5 s.

T-value: thresholded at p = 0.001 (athresholded at p = 0.005), extent threshold k = 15.

L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute.