Figure 1. Histology of pre-invasive bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and invasion in AdCa.
(A) BAC shows irregularly collapsed slightly thickened alveolar walls.
(B) Alveolar walls are lined by uniform low columnar neoplastic cells.
(C) Microinvasive AdCa with a predominant BAC/lepidic pattern and a solid area (arrowhead).
(D) The solid area in (C) shows irregular glands amidst a fibroblastic stroma.
(E) Irregular angulated glands in a fibrous stroma within an invasive focus.
(F) The extent of the invasive focus (black circle) seen in (E). The black line represents the linear measurement of invasive size.
(A-F, Hematoxylin and eosin stain - Original magnification - Panel A × 10, Panel C, F × 5, Panel B, D and E × 150).