Figure 1.
Circular maps of the chromosome and the plasmid pE88 of C. tetani. The coding sequence of the chromosome is shown in blue or green, depending on strand orientation. ORFs of C. tetani that have homologous proteins in C. perfringens (15) but not in C. acetobutylicum (16) are shown in orange. ORFs of C. tetani, which are not present in the two other mentioned clostridial genomes, are shown in pink. The plasmid map shows ORFs color-coded according to their assigned functions. The gene of the tetanus toxin, tetX (CTP60), and the gene encoding a collagenase, colT (CTP33), are highlighted in red. Numbers at the inner ring refer to genes mentioned in the text. Most inner rings of both maps show the G+C content variation (higher values outward).