Table 1.
The 12 animals indicated by migrant PE2, their popular and scientific names, complaints (part used), formula and route of administration.
Popular name dynamic of use | Scientific name or only genus (family/class) Voucher | Complaint (part used) - formula - route of administration |
1- Snake (cobra)° | Chironius sp., Liophs sp. (Colubridae/Reptilia)* or Bothops sp. (Viperidae/Reptilia)* | Bronchitis (skin) - powder - ingested |
2- Rattlesnake (cascavel)° | Crotalus cf. durissus L. (Viperidae/Reptilia)* | Back pain (fat) - in natura - ingested |
Bronchitis (rattle) - tie it in the neck - topic | ||
Heart problems (tooth) - put it in the pocket of shirt | ||
3- Cururu frog (sapo-cururu)° | Rhinella sp. (Bufonidae/Amphibia)* | Cancer of skin (whole animal) - in natura: tie it on the cancer for some time each day - topic |
4- Alligator (jacaré)° | Crocodilus sp., Cayman sp. or Paleosuchus sp. (Alligatoridae/Reptilia)* | Apoplexy (skin) - syrup of skin powder - ingested |
Bronchitis (bone) - powder - ingested | ||
5- Turtle (tartaruga)° | Geochelone sp. (Testudinidae/Reptilia)* | Bronchitis and asthma - (turtleshell) - powder - ingested |
6- Capybara (capivara)° | Hydrochoerus cf. hydrochaeris L. (Hydrochaeridae/Mammalia)* | Bronchitis and asthma - (skin) - powder - ingested |
7-Iguana (iguana)° | Iguana cf. iguana L. (Iguanidae/Reptilia) * | Osteoporosis and rheumatism (bone) - powder - ingested |
8- Ant (formiga) □ | Atta sexdens L. (Formicidae/Insecta) Garcia 001 | Epilepsy (anthill) - in natura - ingested |
9- Cockroach (barata) □ |
Periplaneta americana L. (Blattidae/Insecta) Garcia 002 |
Bronchitis and asthma (whole animal) - powder - ingested |
10- Water cockroach (barata d'água)° | Abedus sp., Belostoma sp. or Diplonychus sp. (Belostomatidae/Insecta)* | Bronchitis and asthma (whole animal) - powder - ingested |
11- Lizard (calango)° | Placosoma sp. (Gymnophthalmidae/Reptilia)* | Wounds in the body (skin) - powder - ingested |
12- Armadillo-ball (tatu-bola)° | Tolypeutes sp. (Dasypodidae/Mammalia)* | Wounds in the body (skin) - powder - ingested |
Marked by (□) the two animals whose use had been maintained, while 10, marked by (°) are those whose uses have fallen into disuse.
* Animals that couldn't be collected because were not available in Diadema