Impaired host immunity against N. brasiliensis infection in IL-25−/− mice was associated with a diminished intestinal smooth muscle and epithelial responses to infection. C57BL/6 mice (WT) or mice with IL-25 deficiency (IL-25−/−) were infected with N. brasiliensis (Nb) and studied at day 10 post-infection. Numbers of adult worms were counted (A). Intestinal strips were suspended longitudinally in organ baths for in vitro contractility studies in response to (B) acetylcholine (ACH, 10nM-0.1mM), (C) EFS (1–20Hz, 80V), or (D) 5-HT (100μM). For epithelial functional studies, muscle-free mucosa was mounted in (E) microsnap-well for the measurement of TEER, or in Ussing chambers for epithelial cell response to (F) acetylcholine (1mM). *p<0.05 versus WT-Nb (A), or the respective vehicle (B–F); φp<0.05 versus the respective WT (n≥3 for each group).