Pathogen inoculation tests of the AtYchF1 knockdown mutant and transgenic A. thaliana expressing OsYchF1 and OsGAP1. A, Northern blot analysis showing the reduced level of AtYchF1 transcripts in the AtYchF1 knockdown mutant. B, pathogen titers (error bars, S.E. of five plants; one-way analysis of variance showed that all lines were significantly different from Col-0 at p < 0.05). C, disease symptoms (highlighted by red arrows). D, expression of defense marker genes (error bars, S.E. values of at least three samples) estimated by real time PCR. AtYchF1 knockdown mutant and transgenic A. thaliana expressing OsYchF1 and OsGAP1 were examined 5 days after inoculation of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 via syringe infiltration. The expression in Col-0 was set to 1 for reference. OsYchF1 overexpressors A and F are two independent transgenic lines. Two biological repeats were performed, and similar results were obtained.