siRNA-mediated suppression of Lepr expression enhanced basal and shear stress-induced Erk1/2 phosphorylation in B6 osteoblasts in vitro. A, the effects of the 24-h treatment of a set of Lepr siRNAs (siRNA1 to -3) alone or in combination (at a total concentration of 5 nm) on the cellular Lepr protein level in B6 osteoblasts. Cellular Lepr protein was identified by Western blots and normalized against actin. B, the effects of suppression of Lepr expression by Lepr siRNA2 on pErk1/2 levels. Total Erk1/2 was measured with an anti-pan-Erk antibody. The relative amounts of pErk1/2 were normalized against total Erk, and results are shown as a percentage of the control siRNA-treated static control cells (mean ± S.D. (error bars), n = 4–6). *, p < 0.05, compared with control siRNA-treated static control cells; #, p < 0.05, compared with stressed control siRNA-treated cells.