Figure 5. AVV-nNOS injection into the HN mimics effects of XIIth nerve crushing on the chemoreceptor-modulated inspiratory activity of HMNs.
Illustrative examples of the time courses of the mean firing rate modulation (mFR, in spikes (sp) s−1 burst−1; right y-axis; left panels) and burst rate (BR, in bursts min−1; right y-axis; right panels) relative to levels (left y-axis) for a control HMN (A), a motoneuron recorded 7 days after XIIth nerve crushing (B), and 7 days after the injection of the indicated viruses into the HN (C–G). Chemical treatments began on viral injection day. A motoneuron recorded 7 days after XIIth nerve crushing in an animal pre-injected with the LVV-miR-shRNS/nNOS is also shown (H). Note that nNOS knock-down prevents mFR dissociation from