Salvage and first-line radioimmunotherapy (RIT) in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
(NHL).5,11,14 Overall (ORR) and complete (CR)
response rates in the pivotal phase III trial of
90Y-ibritumomab versus rituximab in relapsed/refractory
low-grade, follicular, or transformed NHL (left). Patients randomized
into the 90Y-ibritumomab arm were given a single therapeutic
dose of 14.8 MBq/kg (0.4 mCi/kg) of
90Y-ibritumomab on day 7, preceded by
250 mg/m2 of rituximab. Patients randomized
into the rituximab arm received rituximab
375 mg/m2 weekly × 4. The
efficacy analysis showed an overall response rate (ORR) of 80% for
90Y-ibritumomab versus 56% for rituximab
(p = 0.002). The complete
remission (CR) was 30% for 90Y-ibritumomab versus 16% for
rituximab (p = 0.04). Pivotal
phase III trial of iodine-131 (131I)-tositumomab versus
chemotherapy in low-grade, or transformed, NHL (middle). Patients who
had not responded or had progressed after their most recent chemotherapy
were treated with 131I-tositumomab at a dose contributing 75
cGy to the body, preceded by 450 mg of tositumomab. The
patients had received a median of four prior chemotherapy regimens.
Sixty-five percent (65%) of the patients had a response after
131I-tositumomab, compared with 28% after their last
(p < 0.001); 20% of
the patients had a complete remission after 131I-tositumomab,
compared with 3% after their last chemotherapy
(p < 0.001). Phase
II first-line trial of 131I-tositumomab in stage
III–IV follicular NHL. A single therapy dose of
131I-tositumomab (75 cGy to the body, preceded by
450 mg of tositumomab) led to ORRs and CRs of 95% and 75%,
respectively, with very modest toxicity. Median progression-free
survival was 6.1 years (graphics generated from data in Witzig et al.,
Kaminski et al.,
and Kaminski et al.,