Figure 1.
A potential null allele of MIR159c does not result in any developmental or molecular alterations. (A) The genomic context of the MIR159c (At2g46255) gene showing the position of transposable elements (TE, green) that are located 214 bp upstream of the stem-loop region (pink). The insertion site of the transfer DNA (T-DNA) in the SAIL_248_G11 (mir159c) line is indicated by the dashed line. Large arrows indicate the location and direction of the transcriptional units, B = basta resistance gene; LB = left border; RB = right border. (B) Real-time quantitative (qRT)-PCR on inflorescences of wild-type and mir159c plants. The approximate positions of the primers used for qRT-PCR are indicated with small black arrows in (A). Expression values were normalised to cyclophilin, with measurements being the average of three replicates and error bars representing the standard error of the mean. (C) Rosette phenotypes of short-day grown mir159ab and mir159abc.