Figure 3.
A 35S:MIR159c transgene can complement mir159ab. (A) The 35S:MIR159c transgene with relevant regions shown. The dark purple bars represent miR159c* and miR159c sequences of MIR159c. 2X35S = tandem 35S promoter of the plasmid vector pMDC32. Figure is not to scale. (B) Rosette phenotypes of transgenic mir159ab lines transformed with the 35S:MIR159c construct. For line 1, both heterozygous and homozygous segregants are shown. (C) Analysis of MIR159c transcript and mature miR159c, and MYB33 and MYB65 expression in 35S:MIR159c (mir159ab) transgenic rosettes. (D) Analysis of mature miR159c and MYB levels in; wild type transformed with empty (vector), mir159ab and 35S:MIR159c (mir159ab) line 2 inflorescences. Measurement of miR159c is not shown in the empty vector line due to crossreaction of the assay with miR159a and miR159b (Figure 2), which overstates the absolute abundance of miR159c. Measurements represent the average of three replicates with error bars showing the standard error of the mean. mRNA levels were normalised to cyclophilin and miR159c abundance was normalised to sno101.