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. 2010 Nov 5;1:12. doi: 10.1186/2041-9139-1-12

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Nvzic expression in Nematostella vectensis. Expression of Nematostella NvzicC (A-E,Q), NvzicD (F-J, P, S, T) and NvzicE (K-O, R). Late gastrula (A,F,K), early (B,G,L) and late (C,H,M,Q) planula, bud (D,I,N) and polyp (E, J, O, R, S, T) stages are shown. All images are lateral views with oral to the left except Q, which is an oral view with mouth indicated by an asterisk. The endoderm is indicated by en, ectoderm by ec, pharyngeal endoderm by phen and mesentery endoderm by msen. NvzicC is expressed in presumptive tentacle and tentacle bud ectoderm (B, C and D) but not in oral ectoderm (Q) in planula stages. The polyp NvzicC expression is in the tentacle ectoderm proximal to the polyp body, but not in distal regions (E). NvzicD is expressed in the presumptive tentacle ectoderm (G and H) and individual ectodermal cells (G, arrowhead) of the planula. NvzicD is also expressed in tentacle buds (I), tentacular endoderm (J and P), pharangeal endoderm (T, open arrow) and in distinct cells in the endodermal component of the directive mesentaries (T, closed arrow) in the polyps. The polyp NvzicD expression is occasionally observed in the endodermal cells (T. arrowhead) and the ectodermal cells (S, arrowheads) of the polyp. NvzicE expression is expressed in the aboral pole of the gastrula embryo (K, arrow). NvzicE is expressed n the oral ectoderm (L, arrow), presumptive tentacle (L and M) and the apical tuft (M, arrow) the planula and tentacle buds (N), tentacle endoderm (O) and occasional individual ectodermal cells in the tentacles (R, arrowhead).