Table 1.
Comparison of facial movements (Action Units) in humans, chimpanzees and macaques.
Action Unit | Action Descriptor Name | Muscle (see Fig 1) | Human | Chimpanzee | Macaque | AU In MaqFACS? |
AU1 | inner brow raiser | medial frontalis | Y* | NO* | NO* | no |
AU2 | outer brow raiser | lateral frontalis | Y* | NO* | NO* | no |
AU1+2 | brow raiser | frontalis | Y* | Y* | Y* | yes |
AU4 | brow lowerer | 1CS, 2DS, 3Proc | Y* | NO*3 | NO*1,3 | no |
AU41 | glabella lowerer | procerus | Y* | NO* | Y* | yes |
AU5 | upper lid raiser | orb. oculi | Y^ | NO^ | NO^ | no |
AU6 | cheek raiser | orb. oculi (orbital) | Y* | Y* | Y* | yes |
AU7 | lid tightener | orb. oculi (palpebral) | Y^ | Y^ | Y^ | no |
AU8 | lips towards each other | orb. oris | Y^ | NO^ | Y^ | yes |
AU9 | nose wrinkle | llsan | Y* | Y* | Y* | yes |
AU10 | upper lip raiser | lev. labii sup | Y^ | Y* | Y* | yes |
AU11 | nasiolabial furrow deepener | zyg. minor | Y | NO | NO^ | no |
AU12 | lip corner puller | zyg. major | Y* | Y* | Y* | yes |
AU13 | cheek puffer | caninus4 | Y* | NO | NO | no |
AU14 | dimpler | buccinator | Y | NO^ | NO^ | no |
AU15 | lip corner depressor | dep. anguli oris6 | Y* | NO* | NO* | no |
AU16 | lower lip depressor | depressorlabii inf | Y* | Y* | Y* | yes |
AU17 | chin raiser | mentalis | Y* | Y* | Y* | yes |
AU18 | lip pucker | orb. oris | Y^ | NO | Y* | yes5 |
AU20 | lip stretcher | risorius | Y* | NO | NA | no |
AU22 | lip funneler | orb. oris | Y^ | Y* | NO | no |
AU25 | lips parted | various | Y^ | Y^ | Y^ | yes |
AU26 | jaw drop | various | Y^ | Y^ | Y^ | yes |
AU27 | mouth stretch | various | Y^ | Y^ | Y^ | yes |
AU28 | lip suck | orb. oris | Y^ | Y^ | NO^ | no |
EAU1 | ears forward | ant. auricularis | NO^ | NO^ | Y* | yes |
EAU2 | ear elevator | sup. auricularis | NO^ | NO^ | Y* | yes |
EAU3 | ear flattener | post. auricularis | NO^ | NO^ | Y* | yes |
The caninus is also referred to as the levator anguli oris in humans
In macaques, we have divided AU18 into two separate AU codes, AU18i-true pucker and AU18ii-outer pucker (see text)
Also referred to as triangularis
Observed movements are noted with ‘Y’ and those not observed are noted with ‘NO.’ Independent stimulation of these movements is marked by an asterisk (*) for humans and chimpanzees (Waller et al., 2006) and macaques (Waller et al., 2008). If no stimulation was attempted, these are marked by a carrot (^). No * or ^ listed means that stimulation was attempted but was not successful. If the muscle was not present on dissection, ‘NA’ is noted.