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. 2007 Apr-Jun;41(2):146–150. doi: 10.4103/0019-5413.32047

Table 1.

Summary of data of the six patients

Pt. No. Age/sex Level 1st presentation Recurrences Surgery Year of presentation Neurological deficit at presentation
1 23/F T11 Fresh case One 1st: Posterior + anterior 2nd: anterior 1997 Frankel D at 1st presentation, Frankel C at recurrence
2 27/F T5 Fresh case None Anterior 1997 Frankel D
3 18/M L3 Recurrent GCT with infection One Both posterior 1997 1. N/A (operated elsewhere)
2. Frankel D
4 35/M T3 Fresh case None Posterior 1998 Frankel D
5 36/M C5 Fresh case Two 1st anterior 1993 1. Frankel C
2nd posterior + anterior 1994 2. Frankel D
3rd anterior 1999 3. Frankel D
6 26/F T8 Recurrent GCT One Both posterior + anterior 2001 1. N/A (operated elsewhere)
2. Frankel C

N/A = Not available, GCT - Giant cell tumor