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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 May 12.
Published in final edited form as: JAMA. 2010 May 12;303(18):1832–1840. doi: 10.1001/jama.2010.574

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies in stage 1 of the analysis.

CHS FHS Rotterdam AGES TGEN Mayo
Study design Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Case-control Case-control
Genotype platform Illumina HumanCNV370-Duo® Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Mapping 500K Array Set + 50K Gene Focused Panel® Illumina Infinium HumanHap550-chip v3.0® Illumina HumanCNV370-Duo® Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Mapping 500K Array Set, Illumina Human-Hap300v2-Duo BeadChips
Prevalence studies Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls

N* 93 2429 52 2091 171 5700 78 2684 829 536 810 1202
Women (%) 49 (53) 1506 (62) 42 (81) 1192 (57) 128 (75) 3347 (59) 39 (50) 1557 (58) 431 (52) 338 (63) 462 (57) 601 (50)
Age 80±6 75±5 87±6 76±7 84±9 69±9 81±5 76±5 81±10 80±7 73±4 74±5
APOE e4 +ve (%) 35 (38) 583 (24) 20 (38) 418 (20) 62 (36) 1549 (28) 38 (49) 725 (27) 481 (58) 107 (20) 535 (66) 337 (28)

Incidence studies
Cohort at risk* 2429 806 5700 - - -
Women, % 1506 (62) 484 (60) 3347 (59) - - -
Ages at start (and at incident dementia) 75±5 (82±5) 82±6 (88±5) 69±9 (82±7) - - -
Incident AD cases 435 76 462 - - -
Mean follow-up (years) 6.8±3.6 4.8±3.0 9.3±3.2 - - -
APOE e4 +ve, % 632 (26) 153 (19) 1549 (28) - - -

In the prevalence studies, cases were those persons who suffered from AD at time of DNA draw. Controls were those that were free of any dementia. In the incidence studies, cases were those persons from the cohort at risk who developed dementia during the follow-up. Persons who developed another type of dementia were censored at the date of onset.

Data are means (SD), unless otherwise indicated. AGES=Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study, CHS=Cardiovascular Health Study, FHS=Framingham Heart Study, TGEN=Translational Genomics Research Institute.


Includes only those genotyped persons who also provided consent for these analyses and had high-quality genotyping (met QC-criteria), details are in the Supplement. In the FHS only Original cohort participants were included in incident analyses.

Among those with APOE genotyping available