Model selection table for A) ancestry effects on kitten and older survival, B) heterozygosity effects on kitten and older survival, and C) abundance index effects on kitten survival. These analyses were performed on subsets of the data (excluding panthers before 1995 for all analyses and panthers of unknown ancestry for A, and panthers before their heterozygosity was successfully sampled for B). For each model, we present the number of parameters (K), the difference from the top model in Akaike’s Information Criterion adjusted for overdispersion and small sample size (ΔQAICc), and the model QAICc weight. The QAICc values of the top models are 623.98, 577.80, and 716.22, respectively (compare to QAICc values for the top models of Table 3 of 624.41, 577.37, and 716.46, respectively). See Table 1 for descriptions of the covariate models and Table 2 (model 5) for the base2 model. All models estimate constant recapture and recovery rates (p(.)r(.)).