Figure 3. aPKC Releases Lgl from the Cortex in Mitosis.
(A–I) Lgl-GFP and Histone-RFP were coexpressed in pupal SOP cells. NEBD is t = 0. Anterior is oriented toward the left. (A) Lgl-GFP is released from the cortex in prophase, is asymmetrically localized (arrowheads) at mid-prophase, and returns to the cortex after mitosis. (B) Expression of aPKCDN redistributes Lgl-GFP from the cortex into the cytoplasm independent of the cell cycle. (C) Lgl3A-GFP remains cortical throughout mitosis. (D) Overexpression of Insc inverts Lgl-GFP asymmetry (arrowheads). (E) In aurA37/37 mutants, cortical release of Lgl-GFP is delayed. (F) Expression of aPKCΔN restores cortical release of Lgl-GFP in aurA37/37 mutants. (G) Lgl-GFP is released from the cortex prematurely when AurA is overexpressed. (H) Lgl3A-GFP is unaffected by AurA overexpression. (I) Lgl-GFP is released from the cortex in prophase in bazXi106 clones.