Venus expression in neural crest lineage tissues and in otic vesicle observed without immunostaining. The distribution of Venus+ cells in Sox10-Venus mice was evaluated in embryonic-stage cryosections. Venus fluorescence was directly observed without immunostaining. (A) On the thoracic region of an E15.5 d axial section, Venus+ cells were localized to the DRG and its central and peripheral branches. In the spinal cord, Venus+ cells were broadly localized to both the gray matter and the white matter. Venus+ sympathetic ganglion cells were also found at the ventral side of the vertebral body (arrows). (B) In an E15.5 d horizontal section of the cranial area, Venus+ cells concentrated and formed the trigeminal ganglia (the nucleus of the V cranial nerve) and its first branch, the ocular nerve, also visualized by Venus. (C) Venus+ cells were randomly localized in the E15.5 d adrenal gland. (D) NC-derived enteric ganglion cells were seen originating from the XII cranial nerve (Nervous Vargus) and migrating in an oral to anal direction in the alimentary tract. (D-E) On the lumbar level axial section, Venus+ cells were captured in the esophagus, stomach, midgut, and hindgut in the stream of their migration. (F-G) The primary structure of the inner ear, designated as the otic vesicle, also expresses Venus in the embryonic period. The otic vesicle is not NC-derived, but expresses Sox10. SC, spinal cord; TG, trigeminal ganglia; AG, adrenal gland; Es, esophagus; St, stomach; Hg, hindgut; Mg, midgut; Ov, otic vesicle. Scale bars (A-C, E) 100 μm, (D, F-G) 50 μm.