Figure 6.
Immunohistochemical analysis of Sox10-Venus+ cells after spinal cord injury. (A-E) OPCs and mature oligodendrocytes were Venus+ in the intact and injured spinal cord of Sox10-Venus mice. (A) Most Venus+ cells were positive for GSTπ in the intact spinal cord. (B) In the acute phase (4 dpi), NG2+ cells increased in the residual white matter in response to the SCI. Some of the NG2+ cells also expressed Venus. (C-E) In the acute phase, Venus+ oligodendroglial cells were also positive for PDGFRα (C), but were negative for GFAP (D) and CD11b (E). (F) In the subacute phase of the SCI (14 dpi), S100β+ cells were also present around the lesion site, and expressed Venus. (G) Some of the Venus+ cells were positive for p75, suggesting that they were immature Schwann cells with bipolar processes. (H) A small number of Venus+ cells were mature Schwann cells, as assessed by Protein Zero expression. Scale bars; (A-E) 20 μm, (F-H) 50 μm.