Figure 1. Multiple sequence alignment of FfVel1 with other characterized VeA homologous sequences.
The alignment was generated using ClustalW. Putative nuclear localization signals (NLS) were predicted using WolF PSORT (Horton et al., 2007) and are marked in shades of red. Putative PEST domains were predicted using the EMBOSS program “epestfind” and marked in green. Sequences aligned are: VeA (AAD42946) from A. nidulans, Ve-1 (XP_957154) from N. crassa, AcVeA (CAL68582) from A. chrysogenum, PcVeA (CAP92389) from P. chrysogenum, FvVe1 (ABC02879) from F. verticillioides and FfVel1 (FN548142) from F. fujikuroi.