Selected Metabolite Contents of AAH Knockout and Wild-Type P. patens.
(A) Relative abundance of amino acids, organic acids, and related metabolites that change significantly (q-value < 0.01, except for Ser q-value < 0.05; see Supplemental Methods online) and by at least twofold in the knockout lines, as estimated from GC-MS profiling of the polar fraction. Data are means and se for four independent knockout (KO) lines (a biological triplicate of each line was used) and five wild-type (WT) samples. Note the scale differences between the frames.
(B) Absolute quantification of Phe, caffeic acid, and its esters. L-Phe, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid were used as reference standards. Data are means and se for three independent knockout lines and three wild-type samples.