Fig. 5.
Hpo pathway inactivation induces Upd expression. (A-A′) upd-lacZ expression is increased in hpo-mutant MARCM clones compared with surrounding midgut tissue. (B-B′) upd-lacZ induction is abolished in hpo,yki double mutant MARCM clones. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue), mutant clones are marked by GFP (green) and β-galactosidase is red. (C-C′) Clonal overexpression of Yki leads to increased upd3GFP expression. upd3GFP is green and Yki is red. (D-F′) RT-qPCR and immunofluorescence analysis of adult midguts reveals increased Jak/Stat activity following Yki overexpression in ECs using the 10×StatdGFP reporter (D). StatdGFP is green and PH3 is red. (G) Induction of all three Upd cytokines following MyoIAts-driven expression of Yki measured by RT-qPCR. Scale bars: 20 μm.