Figure 3. Partial colocalization of Hv1 and Nox2 in different types of human granulocytes.
(a) Detection of Hv1 (left-most column) and Nox2 (middle) in granulocytes. (Scale bars represent 5 µm). Pretreating neutrophils with DFP improved the detection of Hv1. Colocalization analysis was performed only in cells, in which above-threshold labeling (two times above background, see below) for both proteins could be detected. Colocalizing pixels are displayed as white dots in the most right column. Negligible Alexa Fluor® signals (considered as background) were detected with control primary antibodies (not shown). (b) Western blot analysis of the distribution of Hv1 and Nox2 between granule fractions of resting neutrophils after standard reducing PAGE. Ponceau stain confirmed that similar protein amount was loaded each lane (not shown). The different fractions are: azurophil (α), specific (β1), gelatinase (β2) granules and secretory vesicle together with plasma membrane (γ). Immunodetection of lactoferrin, gelatinase, CD14 and the heavy chain of myeloperoxidase (MPOHC) demonstrates the purity of the membrane preparates [22].