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. 2010 Sep 2;12(5):R166. doi: 10.1186/ar3125

Table 1.

Baseline demographic characteristics of patients enrolled in the GENISOS cohort

Characteristic Baseline value
Age (years) 48.63 (± 13.5)
 White 125 (46.99%)
 Hispanic 77 (28.95%)
 African American 54 (20.3%)
 Other 10 (3.76%)
Female sex 221 (83.08%)
Current smoker 49 (18.42%)
Ever smoker 134 (50.38%)
Disease duration (years)a 2.53 (± 1.63)
Limited skin involvement 110 (41.35%)
 Antinuclear antibodies 254 (95.49%)
 Anti-centromere antibodies 32 (12.03%)
 Anti-topoisomerase antibodies 49 (18.42%)
 Anti-RNA polymerase III 61 (22.93%)
 Anti-U1-ribonucleoprotein 30 (11.28%)
 Anti-Ro 10 (3.8%)
 Anti-fibrillarin 28 (10.69%)
Percentage predicted forced vital capacity
 > 80% 132 (58.15%)
 50 to 80% 81 (35.68%)
 < 50% 14 (6.17%)

Data presented as mean (± standard deviation) or n (%). aTime interval between date of onset of first non-Raynaud's phenomenon symptom and enrollment.